Medical Services & Special Medical Services for International Patients
Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility ART
Laparoscopy and hysteroscopy for the treatment of infertility
PESA,TESE, Varicocelectomy
Laparoscopic Surgery
Extensive laparoscopic surgeries like endometriosis, TLH (total laparoscopic), Myomectomy , oophorectomy, cyctectomy, Ectopic pregnancy , Tuboplasty, Diagnostic Laparoscopy
Perinatology devisor
Prenatal care and counseling
Blood transfusion for the fetus
aminniosentez , chorionizvillusm
special perinatal sonography like NT/ND aminosantez, fetal dopler ,sonography
Gernal Surgery
Breast surgery, cervical cancer wertheims hysterectomy, Endometrial canser, Ovarian canser
Surgery kinds gynecology cancer, Abdominal hysterectomy, Vaginal hysterectomy, oophorectomy, cyctectomy, myomectomy, hysteroscopy + polypectomy, hysteroscopy + D&C, Diagnostic hysteroscopy Cystocele and Rectocele, Pelvic Lymphadenectomy, Ectopic pregnancy , Tuboplasty, Sever endometriosis surgery, Bartholin cystectomy, Cesarean Section, Vaginal septoplasty, Cerclage, Mamo plasty(Increase the size), Mamo plasty(Decrease size), posterior compartment repair with or whithout Anterior repair (with / without cystoscopy), Uterovesical Fistule repair, Urin in continence Treatment with TOT, Urin in continence Treatment with resection of TOT, Diagnostic urethroscopy.